Do not skip your daily routine that ordinarily set you up for success!!!
To keep a sense of routine, organise your day as if you were working in office your home.
Establish a consistent wake-up time and go to bed as usual, start working at the same time every day, and schedule the lunch break around the same time if possible. Ensure to submit the daily work log reports as way to measure WFH effectiveness.
Dressing comfortably yet professionally helps get you in the right mindset to stay productive. You may still be interfacing with colleagues, partners, or customers via video conferencing.
It can be tempting to just stay in your pyjamas all day while working from home!! But combine function and fashion and opt for business-casual look!!!
Get dressed can also switch you from home mode to work mode that helps you be more productive and focused.
Ideally a dedicated corner of your house rooms, that is quiet, comfortable, and free of distractions is your home office. Setting a place at home where you exclusively work is essential to help you stay focussed. A place that is different from where you usually eat or relax!
Set a clear boundary between your workspace and your bedroom. Home and work can blur together when your workspace is your bed. Setting up a place at home where you exclusively work is essential.
Avoid eating breakfast and lunch on your working desk. Remember to take a short break or walk around at home every 45 minutes. And, set a cut-off time every day when your work ends.
Work virtually but stick to your regular office work timings (9:00 am to 6:00 pm)!!
Daily work schedule facilitates proper planning for online meeting internally and with external vendors, service partners and customers.
Check your calendar for the meeting schedule and be prepared for the meeting.
Organize and prioritize key tasks with a To-Do List. To have a clear overview of what you need to be working on and to avoid losing your focus, you can even plan for an entire week ahead.
Keep tabs on how much time you spend on each task by setting up an activity log
Also, if you got used to having a certain structure when you were in the office, make sure that you’re using it when you work from home as well, so you maintain your productivity levels.
There are too many distractions like TV, computer games, unnecessary social media communication, your child, fridge, and pet when you work from home. Working near a television inhibits our ability to concentrate.
You should limit or switch off these distractions to avoid interrupting your work.
The best method is wearing noise-cancelling headphones to help you stay focused. Only do your housework during your lunch or break.
Whether it is watching a movie, or scrolling your social media, pet walking, cooking etc. it is better to separate your work from your personal duties
Set countdown timer for every two hours of work. When the alarm goes off, reward yourself with a 5 or 10-minute break – to make a coffee, or munch protein bars some
Recharge by walking around the block or stepping outside on a patio or balcony to get some fresh air.
(Note: Have a balanced diet for health and well-beiv)
While working from home, employees will rely on technology more than ever and Performing the most basic communications and job functions require working IT.
In Dispersed workforce model providing IT support is both more important and logistically more challenging one.
Having a 24/7 helpdesk support service, a structured ticketing system for work support, availability of right IT tools with high-end IT security and trained staff on the usage of right IT tools for secured remote access are the advantages Sysnet provides for its employees and for customers during work from home.
It’s the right balance of secured work and convenience!!
You are recommended to equip your usual office setting for more efficient work, such as a computer with a high-quality internet connection for supporting video conferences at home.
Keep in touch with your head /Supervisor to provide a work-issued laptop to ensure proper security measures are followed with no compromise on data security. Kindly understand the security implications of working remotely and hence use secure mode of accessing the data with VPN client, encrypted chat with Microsoft teams etc.
Stay connected with your colleagues through video conferencing!!
You know how group meetings in-person can sometimes get out of hand, especially when a lot of people participate? Imagine how much harder it can be when you need to have a meeting with a few different people that are in totally different locations.
Because of this, it is very important to have someone to conduct the meeting. Ideally, this person needs to have an agenda so all the participants will know the talking points and main issues that need to be discussed.
If the meeting agenda is available before the video conference, make sure you go over it so you can prepare yourself with ideas, answers, or solutions.
To run an efficient online meeting, make sure that there are no distractions around you, such as your phone, music, TV, or other people talking in the house.
Learning is critical. As some of us are not well versed in IT security. It may be easy for us to miss updates and patches, inadvertently disable a firewall, or fail to encrypt documents.
Learn about electronic security best practices to prevent the risks associated with phishing and social engineering attacks that leave your network vulnerable.
Strongly suggested to use the modern IT tools like WebEx Conference ,Cloud IP phone , Cloud based CRM tools that cloud improve the day to day job protectivity and reporting tools Last but not least In our technology-enabled, ultra-flexible modern world of work, a thoughtfully considered Work From Home Policy is becoming a must-have at progressive companies that need to be clearly explained to all the employees .
Work from home not only provides flexible schedule, but also makes a person more self-motivated and self-disciplined. It helps you learn to focus and adapt in any surrounding -a valuable life skill that helps in the professional career!!
You may face initial teething problems if it is the first working from home experience for you, Flexibility is all about changing things up—finding what works best for you. Try and follow the tips shared with you and we assure you will find yourself with increase sense of job satisfaction.
Measures like quarantine, self-isolation and going remote with your work is to prevent you from getting sick and prevent the spread of sickness in the community. Let’s be more socially responsible and as well as execute the employee responsibilities!!!
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